If you have an old leather case for one of your cameras (like a Roleiflex, Zeiss, Agfa, etc.) and it is bone dry, DO NOT use shoe polish. That stuff will rub off on your clothes and make you look unpresentable. If you want to go the thrifty route, use a fresh banana peel. Just rub the moist insides over the leather and buff the case with a soft cloth to remove the residue. It breathes life back into leather...and makes it smell slightly like beef jerky.
If you have a film reminder on your camera - use it. I have over/under exposed film and shot with color/black and white in mind because I forgot what I had loaded.
If you have mechanical shutters on your cameras remember to give them a work out at least once a month. They must be used to stay healthy.
Learn the
rules of photography, but do not let them dictate your images. That leads to boring pictures.
Ronsonol is a great cleaner for metal cameras, but avoid getting it on plastic and rubber.
Super Lube oil and grease are amazing lubricants that can bring life to ceased parts (caused from grease that turned into glue) on old cameras. Do not let the lubricants get onto your shutter or aperture blades.
After winning/buying old cameras, take them to repair shops for a check-up. This will extend their life and give you the best results possible. Also - make friends with the people and give them repeat business if you are pleased with the outcomes. That last one is really applicable to any business you frequent.
Patch a bellows with liquid electric tape.
Buy new film. Companies will keep producing film if we continue to buy from them.
Take apart a camera you do not have too much attachment to and try to put it back together (operative word is
try) - you start to appreciate all of the engineering that went into the device.
Use a Holga. Knowledge obtained from fancier cameras is still applicable and knowledge obtained from using a Holga is applicable on the fancier camera.
Take a class where you learn to print optically. The exposure on your negatives will be way more accurate afterwards.
Try different formats and different cameras. See the world through more lenses than those of just Nikon and Canon.
Explore shooting different subjects, different styles, and experiment with techniques. Continue learning and discovering - there is always something to pick-up and apply it to your work.
If you are shooting 35mm use a light camera - you will want to shoot more. Reserve lugging around more weight when using medium format or greater.
If you use film, buy a scanner.
Do not be shy. Ask that person if you could take their picture or just take it. It depends on the situation, but let intuition be your guide.
Take pictures of your family and friends. No explanation required (I hope).
Practice, practice, practice.
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