Sakura Matsuri 2012
Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Bronica SQ-A
Fuji Velvia 100F
I saw this character use the phone and rushed over to take a picture because I like the idea of a person in elaborate costume doing normally mundane things, thus making the mundane extraordinary.
He got off the phone before I could make a shot and another photographer took a regular shot, but I asked if he could pretend like he was on the phone.
Though a little quizzical, he agreed, and got on the phone and gave an intense pose like he was talking about something super important. It really added to the image and I thanked him for playing along.
The other photographer mentioned that he was specifically waiting for the guy to get off the phone.
An unrelated story to the image: there were so many photographers at the Sakura Matsuri and naturally, most shot digital. There were a few film-o-philes on hand shooting 35mm. One other guy had a medium format camera - perhaps a Mamiya RZ or RB 67 - so I tipped my Bronica to him and the amazing thing is that his face expressed that he completely understood everything I said without saying a word.
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